Micro is the new BIG
If you haven’t noticed lately, it looks like anything micro, small or tiny is the new BIG. We have the tiny house movement and research...

Introducing the Agile Change Leadership Certificate
It’s an exciting day for Dr Jen Frahm from Conversations of Change and me! Ten enthusiastic participants kick-off with the pilot program...

Into the era of servant leadership
A couple of months ago I wrote a post on Psychological Safety and its role in supporting a collaborative environment for modern ways of...

Psychological safety and new ways of working
Can you imagine working in a team where you feel it’s safe to raise issues, to make suggestions, disclose your mistakes and even to be a...

Making New Ways of Working (NWoW) happen Now!
Twelve months ago, AFR announced on its front page ANZ’s plans to ‘blow up bureaucracy’ with agile practices. Since then, ANZ has...

Getting personal with Kanban...for new ways of working
As more organisations explore agile ways of working and approaches to build organisational agility, it’s time to rethink how we engage...