Yes, you can change your mindset...

A fixed mindset is not fixed.
We know that an adaptive, agile mindset is the one that will best equip us to lead and thrive in fast-moving environments fraught with extreme uncertainty.
So it’s good to know that you can shift your mindset.
Here’s a couple of tips to get started:
✨ Reflect on external nudges: For example, the pandemic has nudged us to try new things and do things differently at speed. Focus on what you’ve done differently recently and what you’ve learned.
✨ Embrace uncertainty – and lean into the discomfort: Label it – this is the "if you name it you can tame it" mantra, e.g. 'I’m feeling uncertain now, I can’t control the future'.
✨ Listen to your inner voice – the natter in your head: This is the voice that talks to us the most. When you hear limiting thoughts, catch them out.
There’s lots more…
Most of our work with leaders is about the mindset shifts to help us navigate a post-COVID workplace that continues to serve up deep uncertainty. Reach out if you’d like to find out more about how our Leadership Disrupted workshops cover this and much more.